Registering with AdEx couldn't be easier! It only takes a few quick steps and here's how. If you already have an account and you want to log-in, please, check this guide.
How to register an AdEx account
Step 1: Navigate to and click on the “Get Started” button.
Step 2: Create your self-custodial AdEx account by entering your email address*, a unique password. and agreeing to the Terms of Service.
We suggest you leave the "Back up on Ambire Cloud" option checked, as this ensures easy login and the ability to recover your account in case you forget your password.
Step 3: You will receive an email with a verification link. Оpen it and click on the “Verify your email address” button.
Step 3: Once the verification process is completed, you will be prompted to sign a message with your newly-created AdEx account. Do so by:
- scroll through the message (this step ensures a secure login to your AdEx account)
- enter the account password you set earlier and click on “Sign" button
- check your email for the confirmation code and enter it in the corresponding field
You will be logged in to your AdEx account.
Step 4: Welcome to your freshly created AdEx account:
Copy your address in the upper right corner and contact us at so we can arrange the top-up for your account. It usually takes 1-3 business days to do so. After that, you can start your first campaign.